How to Clear Water From a From a Flooded Dive Mask
Diving TipsIt's a problem that nearly all divers will encounter during their underwater adventures: a flooded mask. When water sneaks past the outer seal, it will enter the mask's interior. While a small amount of water shouldn't cause any need for concern,…

10 Rules to Follow When Diving Around Coral Reef
Diving Locations, Diving TipsWhile covering less than 1% of the ocean floor, coral reefs are among the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Approximately one-quarter of all marine species like in or around coral reefs, including fish, algae, shrimp, mollusks, sponges,…

Solo Diving: Is It Safe to Dive Without a Buddy?
Diving TipsSolo Diving: Is It Safe to Dive Without a Buddy?
After learning the basics of diving, you might be wondering whether it's safe to dive alone. Known as solo diving, it's a hot topic among professional and recreational divers alike. Some believe…

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Using Dive Logs
Dive LogsDiving is a fun recreational activity, as well as a professional activity for some individuals, that allows you to explore underwater environments teeming with marine life. Because each dive offers a unique experience, though, you should document…

10 Reasons to Invest in Custom Dive Logs for Your Business
Dive Logs, How To, Marketing, NewsWhether you run a resort, dive shop, dive center, dive charter or any other business that sells scuba diving services, you should consider investing in custom dive logs. While custom dive logs serve the same purpose as generic dive logs –…